Quality Acceptance Secure Web Payment Site
14546 hamlin st 3rd floor, Van Nuys, CA 800-910-8180
Legal Notice
By making your payment by way of this web site, you are consenting to receive the following communications electronically: receipt of payment, sent to the e-mail address you have previously registered with us. Your consent remains in effect until you give us notice that you are withdrawing it. You also agree that Quality Acceptance does not need to provide you with an additional paper (non-electronic) copy of the Communications disclosed herein.
Quality Acceptance offers this on-line payment Option as a convenience to its customers. Quality Acceptance reserves the right to deny or cancel access to this Option in its exclusive discretion at any time. If your Account is already late or is in default, your electronic payment of all delinquent amounts owing will not cure the late or default status until Quality receives notice of the on-line payment. This may take a couple of days, especially if you make the payment when Quality Acceptance is not open for business, such as outside our normal business hours, on a holiday, or over a weekend. Otherwise, you must contact us to advise us of your payment and to obtain confirmation from us that your Account is current. If your payment charges-back or your electronic payment does not clear for any reason, your account will go back to the prior status, including any default or late status, and you will be responsible for late charges, interest, and any other charges or penalties to the extent permitted by your contract or law.
I have read and understand the above notice(s).